It's not the heat, it's the humidity...

I ran across this photo today and I thought to myself that I would sell my soul for it to be cool enough to merit having to wear a jacket and hat. It is an unnaturally hot day in Cleveland. The air is thick and heavy and even though I am sitting in what they claim is an air conditioned office, I am miserable and warm and all around grumpy. I thought about not posting today since I am not in my normal, merry mood, but then I thought that perhaps this would indeed put me back in my normal, merry mood, and voila, I think it's working.
So, what to discuss today? Aside from this heat that is suffocating and I might add, boring me, I am currently obsessed with the idea of my having to mow the lawn. This is, as you can imagine, a weekly event in my life and it something most people jut go out and do. Not me. I begin to obsess about it after three or four days after the last mowing. I start watching the grass get higher and thicker and I start getting this horrible feeling in my stomach about my impending need to mow. This summer has been so incredibly rainy that the grass just keeps growing and growing - in past years it hit a dormant stage and you could just mow it and mulch it. I haven't been able to even do away with the bag yet there has been so much grass. I attempted to mow it yesterday, but the heat was so bad and I just couldn't face it. I have been thinking about it all day now and trying to come up with some sort of excuse to keep me from having to mow today. Unfortunately, the sun is out, I have my health and I really haven't anything else that I need to do so I really haven't got an excuse. I am sitting in my office dreading the notion so badly that I actually exhausted myself from worry and fell asleep. My colleauge, Judy, came in and found me passed out on my desk with my head lolling to and fro. This is not Judy's first encounter with me asleep at my desk, so she did what she always did which is to clap her hands loudly and scare me half to death. If I didn't adore Judy, I'd loathe her.
Other things that I am obsessed with at the moment: my photo printer was sent back to Kodak for repair. I will not rest easy until it is back. I need to get an e-check on my car. I am paralyzed about this as I just can't face the idea of waiting in that line and driving out to the station and etc. I have to renew my license plate tags (this in tandem with the e-check). My birthday is coming up and I just don't feel like celebrating turning 37. It's hardly an accomplishment. The heat consumes me and makes me worried that my central air unit will collapse under the strain and I will be found dead in my bed from heat exposure. Im obsessed with the idea that my boss thinks I am obsessive compulsive (how's that for really looking for something to be worried about). I am worried about Israel and Lebanon, about Iraq and Syria and Iran and North Korea. I am worried that I am getting heavy again after I had lost a good deal of weight. I am obsessed with the notion that at my next doctor's appointment they will discover I have some incurable illness. In short, gentle readers, I worry.
Am I eating right? Am I taking in enough fluids? Am I a nice enough person? Is there life after death? All of this nonsense, all of this worry, all related to the fact that is so damn hot outside. It plays with my brain. It makes me weak and tired and I just hate it. This is getting very whiney, I know, but I feel like whining. I try not to do it often but sometimes it just slips out.
So, thanks for reading. Thanks for listening. Wherever you, I hope you are cool and comfortable
Try 45 looming on your horizon and then you both get back to me.
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